Welcome back! Here we are, getting into the topic that we already know we need and yet don’t follow in our goal of permanent weight loss. This week we’re talking about consistency.


I know, you’re already shaking your head. You already know that your inconsistency with your food is the problem! We’re on-plan, then off-plan. We just go from one thing to the next playing find-the-magical-diet that we just haven’t found yet. So how do we solve it? Let’s look deeper.



First, magical diet thinking is exactly that – magical thinking. We think there’s one diet that if we could just find it, would completely transform our bodies and the weight would just fall off. We think we have a metabolism problem or a deficiency that we can supplement our way out of. So we try one rachet diet after another, thinking that the next one is going to be THE one. We keep doing it because it feels good – not the failing on the diet part, but the hope for the new diet to transform our lives. Hope feels good! The problem is that we’re hoping for something that isn’t going to work because there is no one diet that will solve our weight problem for us.

But we keep trying diet after diet, even though we have no intention of continuing it forever. Have you ever watched a friend or coworker try a plan and lose weight and think that maybe that’s the plan for you, even though you hate packaged meals and bars (or whatever they’re doing)? So you think you’ll do it to get the weight off and then you’ll figure out how to maintain your weight loss when you get there. Except you don’t, because the way you get there is how you stay there. Every diet works for someone, as long as they stay on the diet. But no one really wants to live on a diet, so we constantly pop on and off the diet – and we never get to permanent weight loss.




The second problem is that we cheat. Let’s say you decided to be plant-based in your eating plan. You love veggies and salads and it’s not too much to stop eating meat – you have ALL the reasons for why you don’t need meat in your plan. All set, right? Until you go to the tailgate and someone is serving hot wings and they look good! So you decide that one wing won’t hurt, right? Yes, it will. Not because one wing will upset your whole eating plan, because it won’t. But your on-the-fly exception making will definitely derail your program. The mentality that tells you, “One doughnut won’t matter” is the same little voice that has you violate your plan over and over until you aren’t really on any kind of plan at all. That’s why you have to stay consistent with your plan!


Maybe you know consistency is a problem, but you just don’t know how to be consistent. Maybe you need help developing your plan so you can stay on it. It may be that you really want someone to help you stay accountable for the plan you make so you actually do it. You don’t have to figure it out alone – I can help! This is exactly the kind of result I help my clients create when we work together – we develop a plan, we work the plan, and we create commitment, consistency, and ease in staying on the plan created just for you. Permanent weight loss can be for you!

If you want to work with me, email me at drandreachristianparks@gmail.com. Don’t wait – I only have one slot left! If you want this for yourself, it is available to you. Let’s set up your free session and get you started now!



Here’s your video help for the week!