Welcome back! I’m thrilled you’re here to start this new series with me. We’re going to get to the essentials, the absolute requirements for what you need for permanent weight loss. If you don’t have these, it doesn’t matter how amazing your meal plan or workout regimen is – weight loss that lasts is not in the cards for you.
But before we get into it, I want to ask you a question: Aren’t you tired? I mean that deep-down, weary-in-the-bones kind of tired? And this isn’t the normal I-have-too-much-to-do or I-need-a-vacation-from-my-life kind of tired. Truly, we all have a ton of stuff to do. Kids, parents, work, groceries, cooking, cleaning, deadlines, expenses, planning – the list is never-ending and we juggle it all.

But that’s not the kind of tired I’m talking about. I mean the kind of tiredness that makes you want to throw up your hands in exasperation. The kind of tired that says, “I don’t believe this weight is ever coming off.” Many of us have been fighting this weight battle for years – decades even. And even though we’ve had some wins in the past, the scale keeps creeping up or just won’t stay down.
Aren’t you tired of that? Don’t you want to do the thing that gets this handled?
That’s what I’m talking about! I know what it’s like – I spent more than two decades hating living in a body that felt heavy and uncomfortable and not knowing why nothing I did worked to get the weight off. But now that I’ve found the “secret sauce”, I have to share!
That’s what we’re going to talk about in this series – what really matters for permanent weight loss. Let’s get the essentials down so we can get off the hamster wheel of weight loss. No more running as hard as you can and getting nowhere. Join me for the next 5 weeks as we add new tools to our arsenal that ensure permanent weight loss success!

You can lose this weight! Keep reading and watching the videos – you will get this done. You may have already decided that you’ve had enough of spinning your wheels trying everything else that hasn’t worked. You might have decided you need accountability and support to ensure your success. If you’re ready to get coaching to help your brain solve this problem for good, I’m here to help! Email me at drandreachristianparks@gmail.com and we’ll set up your free consultation. Let’s get this done!
Here’s your video help for the week!