Hello again! We’re working together to count the costs of NOT losing the weight you want to lose. We’ve talked about time, money, and space so far – all things we’re spending without really being aware of it. This week, we’re going to talk about a new cost: Opportunity.


Before we go too far, I want to make a disclaimer: I am not about body-shaming anyone.  You can be in any size body and be happy there – in fact, it’s the best place from which to lose weight! If you are happy where you are in your body and you don’t want to change, then don’t. Societal pressures from advertisements, marketing, movies, and TV are not the reason to lose weight. Putting pressure on yourself to lose weight to fit some sort of societal ideal is just a way of shaming yourself into change. If it worked, I suppose that there would be some kind of value to it. But it doesn’t work.

But you can be loving and supportive of yourself and decide you want to change your body. It’s a choice you get to make. You can decide to lose weight as an act of self-love. You can lose weight simply because you want to. No shame here!



Let’s get back to talking about opportunity.  Those of you in business know all about “opportunity cost”. It’s when you miss out on a chance to do or create something because you choose something else. It’s the cost you pay by with the action you take (or don’t take!).

So what opportunity does it cost you NOT to lose weight?

First, let’s think about what things you aren’t doing because of your weight. Often we won’t allow ourselves to participate in certain activities because we feel too big to enjoy them. Think of any activity in a swimsuit. Kayaking, water slides, white water rafting, not to mention that we don’t want to even shop for that swimsuit! Now, you might not be into any of that anyway. But would you be more likely to consider it if you felt like your weight wouldn’t limit you, if you didn’t think you would tip the canoe or get stuck in the slide?

How about long hikes? Is your knee/hip/back pain from your weight keeping you from enjoying more activity? Can you imagine what it would feel like to be in a lighter, more mobile body? I never wanted to get on my bike because of how I imagined my backside would look from the rearview while I was riding. No bike rides with the kids for me!


Those are just activities. Maybe if you were thinner you wouldn’t want to do any of that anyway – it’s just not your jam. Let’s talk about the second major opportunity cost of NOT losing weight: You don’t get to enjoy living in a body that feels right to you. You deprive yourself of the experience of moving around in comfort and ease. You deny yourself the chance to get out of the heavier body that feels like it’s aging faster than you are inside. You miss out on the feeling of enjoying the clothes you wear, and even the chance to forget about them because they’re not pulling and digging and you aren’t constantly adjusting them so your body doesn’t show in an unfavorable light. You don’t get to enjoy shopping and trying on clothes, looking in the mirror with satisfaction instead of dismay.


Do you remember being free in your body like this?


NOT losing your weight has a lot of opportunity costs. You get to decide if you want to keep paying them! If you’re ready to go forward in losing the weight for good but you want someone to guide you and bring you accountability, I’m here.  Email me at drandreachristianparks@gmail.com and let me know you want to set up a free consultation. Let’s get started creating the body and life you want!


Here’s your video help for the week!