Welcome back! I’m glad to be here, sharing with you. It’s been a busy two weeks! Last week we took our four kids to Disney World for the first time and it was great. It was all the things people say it is – exhausting, expensive, fun, exciting, and lots of walking. But now we’re back to the real world and it’s been a very crazy work week on top of the exhaustion. So, I think it’s a perfect time to talk about self care.


Self care isn’t something many of us prioritize. It seems more important to take care of the spouse and kids and parents and friends and work emergencies and cooking and cleaning and organizing and pay bills and plan ahead and – need I go on? There’s always something screaming for attention, but taking care of ourselves often takes a back seat. The voice inside us that tells us we need some TLC is quiet. That is, until you ignore it long enough and illness or injury occur. Then you are forced to slow down and take care. I don’t like using self care for emergencies only, because to me that seems like treating illness with a medicine instead of preventative care. All drivers know that if you don’t maintain your car, it will eventually break down and cost more to repair than if you had gotten the oil changed on schedule. We need maintenance too!



When we were in Orlando, we went to the parks for a few days and had a couple of days where we “relaxed” by going to the movies and lunch and made dinners and played at the pool. We had some family who drive to Orlando to visit with us and the kids and some friends from out of town came by. It was nonstop! So the last day I went out to get a mani-pedi while everyone else watched a movie. The nail spa was new and clean and quiet. It was in a new development and they had only one other customer. So I sat in the massage chair and had my hands and feet pampered for an hour.  When they finished, I smelled sweet from the lotion and relaxed from the massage and attention. It was bliss!


My manicure


You know what? That’s what I needed. It wasn’t a long time in the week long schedule and I spent most of the week taking care of the kids. But that little break was so good for me. Here’s what I’m finding out; the more busy and stressful things are, the more I need to get in a mini break somewhere. It keeps me from breaking down too often!


I know, I know. Who has time for that? Well, let me share some of the ways I get in my little breaks, even if I can’t take a big chunk of time for pampering. Before I share that list though, take a moment to make your own list of what makes you feel cared for. Is it time alone to read? Spa days? Pedicures? Jogging in the park? Restoration is different depending on the individual, so knowing what fills you up is important before you choose how to spend the little time you have on an activity that you might not find helpful. So here’s my short list:


  1. Bubble bath – you gotta get clean, right? And sometimes you can lock the door and keep the kids out!
  2. Massage – short foot rubs from my husband, long ones at the spa, hand massage at the nail shop – whatever!
  3. Deep breathing. I feel better if I sit with my eyes closed and breathe slow and deep, even for two minutes.
  4. Reading a book, just for fun. I love snuggling in a blanket and escaping into a story.
  5. Restorative yoga. No sweating or tough poses, just slow and resting postures.


Just hanging out…


Whatever you choose to do, make sure you do it. Your list may be totally different from mine, but it’s important to choose something for yourself. Many of us have bought into the lie that everyone else’s needs come first. And when you have things that are urgently calling you, it can be hard not to feel selfish if you do something for yourself. But here’s something I had to start asking myself: If my daughters are looking at my life, would they want to live their life the way I’m living mine? Even better, would I want them to be living like me and putting themselves last, as if they don’t matter? Of course not! So, why do I do that to myself? We all have to come to the realization that we matter too. Then we care for ourselves with everyone else! Phillipians 2:5 says it best: “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others”. So yes, take care of those in your life, but care for you too!


My mini retreat spot


How do you practice your self care? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!