I know you think that when you lose the weight, everything in your life will be better. I know I thought it would! But I want to show you why that’s not true, and how you can start feeling good now while you’re losing the weight. Keep reading…


This is a tricky thought because it seems completely true when we think it. Our mind says that if we could just get this weight off, everything would be better. And we have reasons why this makes perfect sense. We would be happier if our clothes fit, and my diabetes was under control and I don’t need medicine for my blood pressure anymore and I can chase my kids around the playground and my knees don’t hurt when I walk stairs anymore. Of course I’ll be happier then!



Now don’t get me wrong, losing weight feels great! Watching the scale come down day after day, week after week really does feel fantastic. It’s an accomplishment and feeling like you’ve finally cracked the code to weight loss can make you feel like you’re on top of the world! Having the body you want to live in, the one that’s healthy and lighter and doesn’t have the aches and pains from extra weight really does feel good.

The problem is that losing the weight and living in a body you love isn’t what will make you happy.  The weight is just the problem you have right now that’s in front. It’s loud and proud and is sitting in your way. So you figure that if you can remove this obstacle of weight that you’ll be able to get moving again toward your other goals and dreams. And when you get the weight from being the problem that consumes your time and thinking, you will be able to spend that time on building other things. And that’s great because the weight isn’t holding you back anymore!

But if you think you will be happy once you’ve lost the weight, you’re going to be disappointed. First, you don’t have to lose weight to be happy. Your happiness (or lack of it), comes from your thoughts. If you think that you can’t be happy and love your life now because of your weight, then you won’t be happy. You’ll create whatever emotion (discouragement, disgust, frustration) that comes from the thoughts you think. Even if you can muster the determination to force the weight off and use willpower and self-criticism to shed the pounds, you won’t magically arrive at happiness. You’ll be lighter – but you will have hated yourself the whole way down the scale. That will never end with self-love and appreciation. Even worse, do you know how long you’ll keep the weight off with self-hatred? Not long, my friend. You’ll be headed right back up as if you were on a bungee cord.



You also will still have your life to live. Here’s a secret: No matter the circumstances of your life, it’s all pretty much 50:50 good and bad. In the good times and happy situations, there are things that aggravate and annoy or are hard. And in the tough times, there are moments of light and joy and goodness. Losing weight does not change that.


So we get to choose happy and love for ourselves now. It actually will make the journey of weight loss better and easier than any of your previous attempts. And when you get to your goal weight, you’ll celebrate not only the number you’ve created but also joy in who you have become along the way. And you’ll stay where you want to be in your weight because you’ve become the person who weighs that amount. Know this – you get to choose how you will think and who you will be right now. The creation of who you are becoming is in the thoughts you’re thinking now. Choose well!



You can do this! But if you’re running into obstacles that you can’t see your way around on your own, I can help you move them out of the way. Email me at drandreachristianparks@gmail.com and we’ll set up a consultation to get you moving on your transformation. You deserve it!


Here’s your video help for the week!